Christopher is very knowledgeable when it comes to Chinese massage, oils, and herbs. When I was having sinus pain and discomfort he suggested I take some herbs and I felt better right away.
Also, at the end of my pregnancy Christopher used some essential oils during massage to prepare my uterus for labor, and I had a very easy delivery in 4 hours! Christopher is patient, reliable, highly knowledgeable and someone I would go back to.
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Chinese herbs are at the heart of Chinese medicine and are very different than the supplements you find at the drug store. Chinese herbs are much stronger and you will very rarely find a single herb used alone. Instead, Chinese herbs are combined in formulas where multiple herbs work synergistically, each one multiplying the therapeutic power of the others for safe, effective care. It’s a focused approach based on thousands of years of medical wisdom and experience. 

I choose traditional and modern Chinese herbal formulas carefully for each patient who needs them. Matching the medicine to fit the person, Chinese herbal formulas can treat not only symptoms but also the underlying root causes of medical issues. The range of conditions Chinese herbs can treat is vast, from digestive, reproductive and metabolic issues to infections, inflammation, and allergies, to pain, headaches, insomnia, and stress. 

Chinese herbal medicine is not only great for treating what’s wrong, it can also help with wellness--making what’s good even better. These herbal formulas are used to increase vitality and boost the immune system, to increase circulation and even help with mindfulness, memory, and concentration.  

I carefully work only with herbal companies with the highest standards and testing--it’s important. Your herbs might be in the form of pills, or they could be powdered herbs that are mixed with water. The formula, dosage, and course of treatment are personalized for each patient, including custom formulas if needed. 

acupuncture Manhattan


Restart and rejuvenate your body and mind. Balancing and harmonizing, it’s used to treat pain, inflammation, the immune system, internal conditions, and stress.

essential oils Manhattan

essential oils

Concentrated Care. The application of powerful plant medicine over acupoints. Can be used alone, or to augment acupuncture treatments.

massage Manhattan

Chinese Massage

A combination of tui-na, orthobionomy, and cupping. Free up your muscles and joints, take the body away from pain and toward comfort and ease. Used in almost every treatment.
