Manhattan Classical Acupuncture is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for patients using deep training in classical Chinese medicine. I provide a safe space for patients to reach their fullest potential for wellness and match my medicine to each individual patient with a warm, professional approach.
I welcome:
Patients who are committed to healing their body, mind and spirit
People who value the care and expertise of an experienced medical practitioner
Those who are ready to build a real partnership for their health
About dr. Christopher
I grew up doing martial arts, which sparked a love of applied eastern philosophy. When I visited my father’s medical office, the patients would tell me how much they loved having a doctor who listened and cared about them, something which I try to emulate to this day.
I earned my Bachelor’s at Columbia University majoring in psychology and was looking for a way to integrate mind and body medicine when I met Jeffrey Yuen, 88th generation priest of the Jade Purity sect of Daoism. He inspired me to earn my Master’s degree at Swedish Institute, where he was the dean of curriculum. After 17 years of clinical practice, I continue my training with him today.
I’ve taken classical Chinese medicine classes in gynecology, endocrinology, psychology, oncology, pain management, sports medicine, as well as meditation. I’ve taken 3 years of courses in essential oils from a classical Chinese medicine perspective, 2 years of classical Chinese herbology, and a 1 year course in Chinese dietary therapy. I’ve also taken studied orthobionomy, gentle safe powerful way to set bones and release tendons, ligaments and fascia for several years.
During my masters program, I treated cancer patients at an outpatient clinic associated with MSKCC and I went on to lecture at Gilda’s Club, a center for people living with cancer and their families. I’ve also lectured at DOROT senior center and the New Age Health Spa. I was featured in two documentaries, “Crazy, Sexy Caner” and “The Miracle Herbs”, and I’ve been interviewed on local television and radio.
I taught at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, designing the curriculum for the Classical Diagnostic and Clinical Skills course for their Master’s degree in acupuncture. I’ve also taught post-graduate classes at the New England School of Acupuncture–the oldest acupuncture school in the country.
I’m happy to announce that I’ve earned my Doctorate in Acupuncture from Pacific College of Health Sciences.
In my free time, I meditate, read, explore natural perfumery, listen to classical music, and enjoy history, art, food, and culture from around the world.
Come Visit
Manhattan Classical Acupuncture
41 Union Square W. Suite 511
New York, NY 10003
On the Corner of Broadway and 17th
Evening and weekend entrance:
Around the corner at 22 east 17th St.
By appointment only
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